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Digital Media Composition (DMC)

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Saved by Candance Doerr-Stevens
on April 30, 2013 at 9:34:42 am

What is Digital Media Composition (a.k.a. Digital Storytelling/Video Composition)?

  • DMC Gallery - Examples of Digital Stortytelling and other digital media by genre, includes pieces both student-made and professionally made



DMC & Digital Storytelling in the classroom:


Using YouTube in the Classroom (from NCTE Inbox Blog) --


Digital Storytelling 





Digital Humanities (movement in higher ed)



Online Tools and Tutorials for creating Digital Media Texts:

  • VoiceThread -- a software device for adding voices to pictures
  • Little Bird Tales -- software that allows one to create picture slides shows with voice-over.
  • Animoto -- a softwared device for making flashy photo slide shows

(see Judi Petkau's example Teachers in the Museum)






Sites that support the practice & teaching of digital media composition:


 Center for Digital Storytelling -- www.storycenter.org

At the CDS Web site, you can read interviews, download articles about digital storytelling, see sample stories, and order Joe Lambert's book, Digital Storytelling: Capturing Lives, Creating Community.

DigiTales -- www.digitales.us

Check out Bernajean Porter's site for ideas, resources, and storytelling examples. You can also order her new book, DigiTales: the Art of Telling Digital Stories.

JasonOhler.com -- www.jasonohler.com

Visit Jason Ohler's site for information on his upcoming book and links to other digital storytelling resources.

Sara Armstrong Consulting -- www.sgaconsulting.org

Sara Armstrong's site offers links to resources related to a number of education technology topics, including digital storytelling.

Techszewski -- techszewski.blogs.com

Teacher and researcher Tom Banaszewski's blog is a great place to read about — and see examples of — his experiences with digital storytelling over the years. He also includes links to other valuable resources in the field.




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